10x is Easier Than 2x

Matt just finished a book that he absolutely loved.  It made him re-think his business, himself as a leader, and challenge the status quo.  Are you ready to do that too?

 Join us on The Matt Phillips Podcast this week as our host, Matt Phillips, dives into the idea of a '10x mindset.' We'll explore the insights from the book '10x is Easier Than 2x' by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy. This book talks about breaking free from comfort zones and changing how we see fear. He shared his own experiences, discussing how embracing this '10x' approach can transform your life. Learn how to tackle fears and make big mental shifts applying a '10x filter' to your decisions, and how this radical thinking can change every part of your life for the better. 

He will touch on the following topics:

  • The power of the 10x mindset for decision-making in all areas of life by letting go of fear and shifting mindset as leaders.
  • The power of want vs. need 
  • The concept of 10x thinking and how it can help individuals and sales leaders achieve massive gains. 

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