Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Have you heard about the saying, “Comparison is the thief of joy?” Have you ever compared yourself to someone? How can you leave comparison behind and start seeing the good in focusing on our own path to doing great things?

Welcome to The Matt Phillips Podcast! In this episode, I talk about the common habit of comparing ourselves to others and how to shift your mindset from envy to personal growth. I also talk about the two important things you need to focus on in order to develop your personal growth and achieve success!

Remember: the only person you should try to be better than is who you were yesterday. 

Matt will touch on the following topics:

  • It is to feel less than when we see others' vacations, achievements, or lifestyles.
  • How comparison has shown up on my life and how these feelings have evolved over time.
  • The two-step method to combat the comparison trap.
  • How to apply Mark Allen’s mindset strategy in your daily life. 

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